Summer sleep ins
The river is in flood and from the bridge I can see that our egg has been washed away.
My immune system has been battling bronchitis for a month now, I finally went to the Dr and got some antibiotics but am feeling really wiped out. Thank goodness the kids are really independent and my neighbourhood are really awesome. I've parented on my own for about 355 days this year, but thank GOD that so many wonderful people believe it takes a village to raise a child and when I need a little time out they are there for my children, with all their LOVE, generosity and compassion.
Thank you.
Historic places
Last week I got to visit a historic pa site with the kids. This Pa was a place where Maori stored their precious kumara to protect it from raids. I dont think alot of people here are aware of the history of our area, I'm really enjoying learning all I can about it.
The historic vibrations of this place are amazing.
We whizzed down the Mot river to give the dogs a run tonight, the birds overhead were making a horrendous racket! The red head and I looked down and he was about to stand on a nest! We took a quick pic and moved away, hopefully the birds will settle down again. We're not sure what kind of birds they are but we think they are the Black fronted tern.
Thinking of the West Coasters
Our families thoughts and prayers are with the miners, all their families and the entire West Coast community.
Nana's knitting aside
visited the Ngarua caves today:
An easy walk through the beautiful local landscape, I should have listened more carefully to the guide so I could tell you all about it, but I was just drinking it all in.
Some other stuff I just need to write is here, it's not for the fainthearted I just need to get it down. Invites only.
Lucky to call this place home

We got up close to our iconic "split apple rock" where the red head was most impressed as the boat driver said they think it has been there since the last ice age.

I loved the wildlife. Getting to view it all up close from the boat was fabulous. It was just the right time of year to see shags nesting and a mother seal feeding her pup on the rocks on the predator free Adele Island.
The water was quite rough today so we didn't spot any of the dolphins we had been hoping for, but that just gives us an excuse to go back again another day.
shop update
Thank you, a giveaway

Quick change of plan

Whitebait patties:
For 1lb of freshly caught whitebait, have the children beat up two free range eggs, sprinkle in a tablespoon of flour and season with pepper and salt, add whitebait. The kids will enjoy tipping the whitebait in the bowl and giving it a stir. Mine love the eyes and tease each other to eat them raw.
Then easy peasy, put spoonfuls in a pan to fry in butter.
Come back for the giveaway next week.

Moon waxing
Shall I sacrifice a sleep-in tomorrow for seed sowing?
Cucumbers, tomatoes, gourds, pumpkins, zucchini, capsicum, chilli, basil, early corn and beans in trays, sunflowers, zinnia, buckwheat, orach, cleome...
Ok I'm convinced.
Happy weekending
Where do all the hours in the day go?

Favorite things today
Shaken awake
We had some girls here for a sleepover for PJ's birthday and the shaking woke us all up. Luckily we are far enough away for it not to have any serious effects. After lots of questions and reassurance they went back to sleep.

A very happy birthday girl.
*!Happy birthday to PJ she's 9 today !* My goodness, she has grown up too fast.

With typical teenage sarcasm he said "well that must have been exciting!"
Visitors stopping by with birthday wishes WAS exciting. So was two beautiful bottles of wine from Christy in exchange for blackboy peach seedlings. Thank you so MUCH Christy, it was a wonderful surprise. I'm not sure the courier was expecting to be answered at the door by someone in pink striped pyjamas though, SIGH. I was so tired from two nights of the "red head" coughing and spewing (in my bed) with swine flu that I hadn't bothered much with daily routines. The washing and showering was done in the middle of the night and he pointed out in the morning that "it's black around your eyes Mum". It also wasn't much help that he left his "special" comfort blanket with his Dad last weekend.
Other treats for me included books, seeds, chocolates, lip balm, face book shout outs, and another gift of wine at the doorstep. Also got an invite for lunch at the Indian restaurant.
Now perhaps I should clean the house for hours, or re-arrange the flowers.
Spring trio of natural scent

I was the lucky name drawn for some natural perfume from Johanna. Her blog has some great links for natural perfumes and she's just opened Argot Bazaar with some beautiful looking scented goodies for sale.
for the garden folk
I'd love to hear what everybody else is planting or planning.
Whanau embrace
Never touch her sewing scissors.
Put the nail scissors back in her desk.
Borrow books but return them,
don't sniff,
there's no such word as can't,
have a biscuit from the tin and make a cuppa with sucral or half a sugar.
She saved shoes and clothes from the 50's, records, letters and bottled cherries from Unca in Blenheim. Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Sailor, Rich man, Poor man, Beggar man,Thief.
Grandchildren do dishes,
table is set with side plates. Manners.
I'm not sure her EIGHT children actually know how significant she was to her grandchildren. We grew up like a family of 16, seeing each other almost every holiday and then for many of us living with her in our teenage years. When I had my first baby she settled him to sleep in her antique pram like a pro after I complained and cried that I couldn't settle him. She taught me how to wash woollens and put all his nappies through the wringer and onto the line to dry in the sun.
(She told me she loved to see babies nappies on the line to dry and wished she'd had twins like one of the neighbours did)
Her oldest great grandchild turns 18 in a week or so.
M she absolutely adored you! She thrived on making you mouilied veges and collecting you from kindy when she was caring for you.
My cousin is visiting from the UK at the moment and seeing her reminds me so much of growing up in that secure Whanau embrace. We haven't seen each other for several years but it is like we just talked yesterday.
(So good to see you P. If I win the lotto I'll be at your wedding with bells on!!!!!)
As we did before them, the 2nd cousins bonded over Grandma's Taipo game and "tag" outside in the dark!!
Yay for a day without the distraction of technology.
Hello Jase, Ryan, Leeanne, Alison, Oli, Sam, Robin, Prue, Dave, Ellie, Rhys, Kate, Steph, Marty and Bruce.

Sea views