According to teenage son I'm weird. He bought some friends home after a party. They feasted in the garden but didn't come inside. I peeked out the window to see them eating all my heirloom "Alderman tall climbing" peas which I was saving for seed. (never mind) So later I asked him why he didn't bring them in to say hi and got told I am weird, for the following reasons:
I was cooking a ham bone for soup, no one not weird eats soup ya know.
I was wearing a purple apron with black and white flowers on it, aprons just aren't cool they're weird.
I have a sewing machine in my lounge room, duuhhhh.
There is garlic everywhere.
I ask kids questions!
The best one though is because I'm skinny! no one else's Mum is. That totally cracked me up because I'm not!
It's kinda cool to be weird. I was much more weird when he was little cos no one else I knew made clothes or knitted for their kids, so with him at least I get to be the young, weird (I think I'm cool) Mum.
With the red head I'm a bit of a Nana, cos everyone else with a three year old is sewing, knitting, growing and downshifting.
Weird stuff I've done today: Just flipped when I found these tiny bits of fabric, perfect for bags.
( Excuse photo, still having trouble)