We got a bit of Autumn rain last week, even a bit of snow on Mt Arthur. Unfortunatley the small kids and I got colds to go with the change of season. So we've been drinking lots of lemon and honey tea. I make it with a few extra goodies to fight the germs. The kids don't really notice the garlic if you put in plenty of honey.
To make 4 or 5 cups of tea:
Juice of 2 to 5 lemons,
as much honey as you need to taste, (manuka honey has healing properties)
Add any of the following for extra healing and soothing.
Fresh garlic 2 to 10 cloves chopped depending on your taste,
Fresh thyme 2 to 4 teaspoons chopped, (lemon thyme is nice)
Fresh Echinacea root 1 or 2 teaspoons,
Cover with about 4 cups of boiling water and drink hot or cold. Experiment with your favorite herbs to create your own recipie. Sage or ginger would be quite good too. My music teacher swore by black tea for sore throats. When we all got sore throats before our musical of "Annie get your gun" she had us drinking pots and pots of it, so you can add a teabag too.
Look what popped up in the garden. Usually I drive in the country looking for mushrooms when the Autumn rains come. Couldn't find any last week I don't think it was wet enough, but last year I spread some spores on the lawn and yay ONE mushroom. Will leave it to spread it's spores.
Long awaited rain, Neudorf Road near Motueka. ( No mushrooms though)