
Blah blah multi task

I'm spinning green merino while the Dial Up loads.
I've done a little blog house-work too.

The house fairy hasn't done the dishes yet,
but she's got the hallway tidy enough that I don't trip over.
She lost count of the loads of washing she's done. Wood chopping, school lunches, dance classes, baking, homework, tea for sore throats and vacuuming too.
I paid the bills to help her out.
We Desecrated the environment by running the big boys in the car to "Will the lost years" more times than I can count on the fairies fingers and toes. (kind community drove them home after shows. 10.30pm)
The garden fairy planted some garlic and cleared some seedy weeds. She combed the garden and made: kitchen faerie rooster/barley/noodle soup with garden vegetables, which most of them turned their noses up at. Then the eaters claimed it made them fart (not too many onions and Jerusalem artichokes, I'm sure I told you faerie).
School holidays are in sight- Thank goodness.


Linda said...

...with the speed of loading I mean.

Linda said...

I find that listening to music on the computer for example itunes up loud helps.

Melissa said...

Sounds busy. I knit while my dial up loads! But remember to take credit where credit is due! Women often down play our roles in householding, but imagine if we didn't do all that stuff? Enjoy your holidays!

Sandra said...

That faerie needs a rest!! Roll on school holidays indeed. I haven't even planted my garlic yet. I must try out my jerusalem artichokes.

Gill said...

Hey Sandra, Just don't eat them if you need to work in a confined environment the next day. Or if you plan to go for a car ride, or supermarket shopping!

Tracy said...

You sound like one busy fairy. I wish I could get half as much done.
Look after the fairy,

Corrine said...

The house faerie hasn't done the dishes in our house either, but at least with school holidays she can bribe the kids to do them