Showing posts with label knitting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label knitting. Show all posts


Re opening shop

Winter has really arrived here now, it's snowing on the hills today, so I've filled my shop with wooly's for babies. Some of these have featured on the blog before and been tucked away in my market cases ever since. It seems I've just become too busy to get out to events recently.


Sneak Preview

I just had to share my delight at the goodies I've been sent for our little event on Saturday. Silk hankies, hand dyed merino, thick spun singles and a bag of beautiful silk fibre from Spinning a Yarn. If you love wool, this is like opening a huge bag of candy.
And even more candy!
Delightful mini Blendy's NZ Yarn Sample Box packs.


Community Knitting

Do you want to join in with a good old fashioned Community event?
Saturday 19 June 1.30pm.
$5 entry includes spot prizes, raffle and afternoon tea. All proceeds going to St Johns ambulance.
Baptist Church, Greenwood st Motueka.
Come along and join in for the afternoon. If you're already a knitter bring along some no. 8 needles and have a go at the speed knitting competition. If you're still learning or perfecting your technique come and get some ideas or purchase some lovely new yarn or fibre. I will have a selection of fibre and yarn from Jessicah's shop and sample boxes from Blendy's New Zealand Yarn Sampler Box. As well as some organic, natural dyed yarns from a local crafter and a bit of hand spun from my Mum.
It's getting quite exciting, let me tell you how it started:

I've got to know some of the older ladies who volunteer in the Red Cross, quite well. We talk sewing, knitting and sometimes about the kids, after all they have seen myself and the children quite regularly since the children were born. Some days when I'm not in a rush they have related to me hilarious stories ranging from childbirth to parenting, being a 1950's housewife to local history. I really admire the community spirit of some of the ladies in particular, and follow with interest their contributions towards Operation cover up each year and other charities. For operation cover up they knit dozens of squares for warm blankets as well as jerseys and slippers to send to children in orphanages over seas.
During one of my thrift shop visits I heard that one of the ladies was organising a knitting competition and display to be held in conjunction with the annual winter Festival of lights. She was keen to attract some younger knitters to enter the competition and I suppose, to involve us in the community spirit. I value strongly how much can be learned from our elders so I volunteered to help put some posters up, put a link on Motueka Online and will do a display of some edgy knitting books and patterns, hopefully including a couple of pictures of Urban knitting to really push the boundries. I had great plans to do some "out there" knitting but not alot has come to fruition. I need a team of knitters to get all my ideas completed in time. I tried to teach the kids to knit to pattern but they're not particularly dedicated workers! I will however get a Mohawk hat finished. Watch this space and....
See you there, or stop at the above mentioned shops.


Desperately seeking Patons Smoothie DK White 1020

A friend of mine is tantalisingly close to finishing a shawl for her first Grandchild. The local yarn shops have run out of the yarn she needs to finish the last peak around the edge of the shawl. If anyone had half a ball or even 20 metres of the white Patons Smoothie DK 1020 that she needs she'd happily cover costs and postage. Please if you can help send me an email or leave a comment.


Arrivals by post

Finally I've finished the "sweet pea" silk fibre from my friend Jessicah's shop . I spun the wool as thin as I possibly could, then I washed a black lambs fleece from my Dad. I thought it might be perfect to ply with the silk, but it wasn't as luxurious as I wanted it to be with the silk. Then I tried a bit of the grey fleece that Mum was spinning when she visited but that wasn't right either. I've since plied them together though and they work well.

I thought I needed to save up for some smokey grey alpaca fibre which would have worked perfectly, but my impatience got the better of me. I dyed some merino from my Aunt, using this method, with raw fleece instead. The resulting yarn is destined to become a lovely scarf for me.
After I finish a few other projects I have lined up.
The letterbox continued to be quite busy all week, it's lovely to go out and find a surprise waiting there. A cook book and garden book from my sister in law. I burnt my favorite cookbook on an element (did I mention that already??) So M sent me a shiny new copy full of all the best recipes for thrifty cooks. Thanks M.
A little treat for the soil too, seeds and a membership to Koanga.


Family creativity

I know I didn't knit this enthusiastically when I was 8 years old. PJ caught the knitting bug in the last week of the school holidays and worked for three days to create a jersey for Willow and blankets for her favorite soft toys. I kind of bungled away nearby trying to set a good example and to be on hand to help while trying myself to perfect my Continental style knitting.

It was OK on these simple singlets:

I found the pattern for these after advice from Melissa who pointed me in the direction of Soule Mama whose archives I searched until I found this from The thrifty knitter , perfect for a newborn and a new knitter.


was a little more difficult, I've been doing it on and off for about three weeks. I found myself switching back to the English style knitting that I learned around 8 years old myself, because the weight on the left hand needle made it harder to get into the swing of Continental style. Knitting two stitches together for the pattern slowed me down to a pain full beginners pace, though it did make me appreciate PJ's efforts alot more, but not enough to ignore my impatient streak. Back to English style to get it finished, both she and I are really pleased with the result. She helped me sort through some light weight fabrics to choose the blue floral which tones in beautifully with the cotton knit. I got the pattern from a book which I have since returned to the library, I think it was this one. I've put it on my wish list now because it's full of similar delights.

The paua shells I used as props with the singlets are from skatey's trip over the bay, his creative streak lead him to borrowing a grinder from the neighbour to grind off the grey shell to reveal the beautiful colours beneath. Then he varnished it to make the colour "pop". He gave me some to have in my bedroom. I treasure them as an expression of his creativity.


Just a little knitting

This basket of wool illustrates how easily I can be distracted from things I should be doing. I sorted out my stash trying to find something suitable to knit skatey boy a hoodie from the Son of stitch n bitch book. I did not find any yarn in my suitcases for the project. I found lots of small bits leftover from other projects which I sorted to give away. Then I found this pattern
and couldn't resist giving it a go. I'd like to knit enough of them as party favours for the red head's 4th birthday coming up. He's never had a party of his own with his friends before, so far we've only had family celebrations because I'm very turned off by the idea of a junk fuelled plastic party which alot of kids expect to have. I was very inspired by images of celebrations at small wonders, involving earthy crafts and gifts and am thinking along those lines for the red head.
Next Saturday the 4th of July a friend of mine has organised an indoor market, a first for our town to be held in the War Memorial hall. I hope the community turn out in force to support local crafts people and community in a nice warm atmosphere. I think there may still be room for stall holders so get in quick if you have some goods to offer.


Knitting possum

Dusting, window cleaning, lighting fires, vacuuming, knitting and costume sewing featured quite heavily this week. My neighbour caught me in the middle of a cleaning spree doing a very loud Bohemian Rhapsody rendition and invited me to watch the school kids rehearsing their performance for an upcoming event. I don't need asking twice to abandon housework.
I've been helping sew the costumes for the performance, so the lounge has been covered with black and sparkly fabric for the "Kiss" themed costumes.
I've been staying up way past my bedtime knitting too, lots of possum/merino gloves are coming off the needles for the craft co-op and here

Drop me a line if you'd like the pattern. It may be similar to others available but I made it up because the others I've tried don't fit as snugly as I like. Maybe it's the character of the double knit possum wool , I don't know. I should try it with some other yarn as well but I love this possum.


Fibre finds and a giveaway

We had a lovely day at the Easter Fair yesterday. It may have been a bit hot for people to think about buying my winter woollies but they were very kind and complimentary about them which always makes my day. All the sewing I did in the lead up to the fair was worthwhile though.

The highlight of my day though was the few careful purchases and trades that I did. Delicious alpaca/silk blend from Rotocard who have moved their business into our area recently after being in Blenheim. I'm going to spin it as fine as I can so I can make a lacy scarf.

A lovely merino top for the red head from pipimoomoo.

I also did a trade with my friend Melissa because PJ fell for one of her lovely Easter bunnies. I would have shared a photo of it but PJ has whisked it away for a night with Granny.

Now I've got one more show and tell and a wee giveaway:

I'm in love with possum merino wool in yummy colours made right here in New Zealand. (They don't have a website but email me if you'd like contact details)

My favorite brooch from the last series or 1 ball of wool is the giveaway. It always makes me feel great to give away something that I really like, it has happy energy attatched to it.
All you have to do is say hi and let me know which you'd prefer to win.



Last week I set up my stall for an event our Playcentre had organised. We had quite a few people through the doors but I didn't make many sales. I'm pretty convinced it's because food and fuel are now so expensive people don't have as much disposable income. I'm optimistic about continuing crafting to provide a little extra for the family though as I know there is a movement out there which appreciates handcrafted items which have far less impact on the environment. My Mum is a great spinner and a good but reluctant knitter so we've combined our talents in making these vests. Since they didn't sell last week (alot of work still needs to be done to re- educate people on the benefits of pure wool garments) I've listed them on my Felt shop.
Finished this cutey, cutey kimono cardy too. Not too sure yet weather to sell it or gift it to someone so I can see it being worn.



I've quickly finished a couple of projects this week cos I want to start this: (From Special Knits by Debbie Bliss.)
I don't have a littlely this little but it's just so yummy I have to do it.

A warm balaclava for L cos he's freezing in his caravan in Reefton. Don't I look a bit freaky modelling it? I was thinking these would be easy presents for boys and blokes. I often sew for girls birthday parties but usually end up at "The Warehouse" or a book store when a boys present is required. And a rather dull but snuggly, warm, quick jersey, for the red head.


Remember fingerknitting?

I have offered PJ crochet, knitting and crafting oppourtunities alongside me for years but I'd completly forgotten about fingerknitting. She's acting like I do when I've got a craft project in motion, can't put it down and showing everyone. My neighbour who has three girls taught her how to do it yesterday and there has been a fingerknitting frenzy here since then, see the pile growing next to her. It's exciting to see her enjoying crafting stuff as much as I do!! I might have to keep an eye on my stash of wool though.


Wind and rain

We got our much needed rain today, a great excuse to do some sewing. Usually when I make things for myself they're too big or too small but this skirt was spot on. I only got the fabric yesterday, in a previous life it was a halterneck dress that didn't suit me at all. I over- looked it at first but when I didn't find any other goodies I bought it for $4. I'm so glad I did now cos I have heaps of tops it will go with.
I have to keep myself busy during storms because high winds really freak me out, the wind blew over my sunflower house and 3 out of 4 plots of corn but every thing else survived and is looking much better having had a good drink. I was very relieved when it stopped blowing that all our old sheds still had their roofs. I finished sewing up a woolly vest for the "red head" pity it won't fit him till he's four. That will teach me, I'm always too impatient to do a tension square.


Excellent neighbours

I consider myself very lucky to live in such a great community. Over the weekend one of our neighbours gave us some pink carpet they didn't need so we spent a day moving everything out of the littlies room and then laying the carpet. We were excited about putting baby G into a big boy bed as he seemed very keen during the day but after an hour of crying every time mummy left the room we changed our minds and re -assembled the cot. He's not so much of a baby now though as he approaches his 2nd birthday, but he was very happy to be back in his cot. We'll try again in a few months. The hoddie I photographed started out to be for him but he's grown so much in the arms and back lately that we'll find another home for it.
On the other side of the property ( over the wood fence in previous post) my neighbour and I put our heads together to plan our fruit tree purchases today. We're making sure the fruit trees we buy this winter will pollinate each others trees allowing us to plant more varieties. We're working on some apricots, plums and cherrys. I'm going to help her espalier some of her trees like I do. This is my nectarine it's on my back fenceline. The kiwifruit ochardists behind us are not terribly friendly I constantly ask them not to spray weeds along my fenceline but they are bellidgerent and keep doing it. I go out with the hose if I see them doing it and hose it all off when they go round the corner.To his credit he does however ring me when they're spraying the fruit which is luckily only about twice a year.


Knitted gloves

I knitted these gloves in an evening but am really bummed out they don't fit, they're just a bit loose. Would anyone like them? You probably need big hands. I was inspired by these and then these. (check out my links I'm quite proud I can do it now without any help from the teenager)I've started another pair 'cos I'm determined to make some that fit. The poor old sewing machine in the background has been a bit redundant in the past few weeks. I'm tossing around an idea for a crafty group get together once a month, a friend suggested it a year ago and I've been mulling it over since then. It would be a great source of inspiration and sharing I think.


Rainbow dyeing

I've been checking out some springtime blogs in the northern hemisphere and was inspired by the wool blankets dyed by here at Small Wonders. Taimarie has provided some good links to follow and before I knew it I was in the mood to do some dying. I havn't tried with blankets but wound some recycled wool into hanks to make multi coloured yarn. My Aunt who has entered the World Of Wearable Art for years taught me this simple method which requires only food colouring and white vinigar. Wind some wool into hanks and wet it. Bring a dye pot with a few centimetres of water to the boil. Add about 3/4 of a cup of white vinigar to the water ( this sets the dye) or acetic acid could be used then you'd only need a tablespoon or so. Lay the hanks on the water and sprinkle the dye on top, Steam, dip or stir to create the desired effect. Add more water and vinigar if it all gets absorbed. It takes around 10 to 20 minutes of simering for all the dye to be absorbed, don't stir too much or it will felt. Experiment!

Take the wool out of the pot with tongs and put it into warm soapy water to rinse. Squeeze out any excess dye without agitating too much, then hang on the line to admire the result and plan the garment you're going to knit.


Thinking positive

I'm on the road to recovery. My old chiropractor was good and had alot of old injury's to work through, but the new one is great he uses a gentler method which doesn't involve me having my whole back cracked twice a week. He's very good at taking time to explain theories and steps in my treatment. I'm pretty twisted up still after years of physical work, a couple of accidents and four babies. I've started thinking more about my everyday activities and how I can do them safely. Also it seems I'm going to have to look at how I handle stress and do gentle excercise instead of doing lots of shoveling and carrying. I've resolved to get my teenager in to have some treatment too as he has had several trampoline accidents. Apparently having your bones heal out of alignment can affect your whole wellbeing and even growth. I havn't gardened for a while, but enjoyed a long walk in the autumn sun yesterday afternoon. The toadstool from my walk reminds me of my childhood where I played under a beautiful grove of oak trees imagining faries and their friends living in the toadstool communities that thrived there.Yay I even felt well enough to finish a small knitting project it fits in quite well with the fairy/ pixie memories. I've been inspired by Helen's "week of wool" knitting and crochet posts.


Not so good at finishing things

I have changed alot in the past few years, my house is never spotless and I always have alot of projects on the go. I use to finish one thing before I started another, now when I get an idea I run with it incase I forget it. Sometimes they come to me at odd times and I do a sketch. Here's what I've been working on in the weekend. I must admit Mum had two of the kids for me so there were alot less arguments to sort out.

Just need to sew in the linings on these bags. I kind of did them on auto pilot while talking to a friend in Australia, she spent the best part of a 2 hour phone call trying to convince me life's better over there. We're both pretty different and I think we're both where we belong. The bags are destined for the Mapua Easter Fair.The mint ballet jersey just needs sewing up, it's been in my sewing bag for a week, PJ will LOVE it when I give it to her. She's a shoe girl though and will want a pair to match. Mum bought her THREE pairs in the weekend, one was the most girly pair of soccor boots for the upcoming season. The blue and gray on needles are my nephew's booties, they're a "must do" tonight. I'm quite liking that colour combo and might do a jersey to match.
I made the red head a xbones sweater and it didn't fit so I made another, then PJ wanted one so I made another now I have three which need their neckbands added and a few more cut out because I quite like the way they are turning out. The tweedy wool hat half finished was for me but it was getting too fiddly for me at 10pm so I abandoned it for now. PJ has a lovely pink and paisley pair of pants waiting for elastic. So you can see I had a productive weekend even if I didn't finish a thing! We also spent Saturday evening at the skate park with the "skatey boy" and it was just lovely doing something especially for him. It was good to get out too and get some fresh inspiration. The local youth were awesome on their bikes and boards and I was pleased to note none of them were smoking even though most were unaccompanied at 6pm.