Showing posts with label Garden May.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garden May.. Show all posts


Digging up for dinner:


Kumara (sweet potatoes)

The vegetation has mainly frosted off in the garden, I can see dried up stalks of where tubers were planted when I go out to see what I can find in the garden for tea at about 4pm in the afternoon as I'm feeding the the chooks and getting the washing off the line. I had forgotten about the purple Maori potatoes I'd planted, accidentally unearthing them the other day. They and the other potatoes that I still have in the ground are cooking up beautifully boiled or baked. I've been making potato bakes with lots of veges, bacon and cheese sauce because the red head who is a terribly fussy eater actually seems to enjoy them.

The kumara did alot better than I expected, I love sweet winter veges and am so glad to have succeeded this year with these. In my colander is the yield from one plant. I didn't plant enough because I had trouble getting hold of the shoots to plant last spring so I will save the best of these to try and sprout my own for next spring. I find them a wee bit tricky to grow, but they are so worth the effort. They seemed to like the seaweed mound I grew them in but I think need a more sheltered warm spot for next year. One of the fabulous Aunts gave me advice on cultivating them: Point their roots in the direction that the sun rises, and instead of having the roots point deep down, have the ends of them going back up towards the surface (so they are planted in kind of a U shape) This advice was given to her by an old gardener when she was living in Tolaga Bay.


Garden notes May 08

A very late feeling autumn this year, warm clear days. Still some raspberries on canes and grapes on vines. Beautiful autumn colours.. Dug in lupins ready for garlic. Mustard planted 3 wks ago all up and inhibiting weeds. Planted more mustard last week. Gabe knocked all buds off cherry tree. Arrrrah! Fejoias dry, Water more in summer. Cabbage white caterpillars eating brassicas. Paper wasps disappearing. Chooks off the lay. Finacially challenged, no lime this year. Good compost heap -leaves, weeds, sheep poo.