

I had these grand plans of dunging out the house in the holidays. There's no excuse I just didn't do it. The small kids room got sorted but that's as far as I got so here I am last day of the holidays and it all looks pretty much the same. In fact the big boys room looks worse. They're not awake yet and what they don't know is that Mum's going to make a huge pile in the middle of their room of the stuff they've neglected all holidays. I did however achieve a few good sleep- ins, weeded and replanted the glasshouse for winter, made bread, caught up on some sewing jobs and read some good blogs.


What a lovely way to spend a day off. (The afore metioned room did get cleaned before we left by the way). We drove about 45 minutes out of town to Dovedale Playgroup car boot sale. Isn't it an idylic setting for a boot sale? There were about twice as many vendors as this but wern't too many buyers when we were there. It would have been a beautiful day and spot for a craft fair. The kids and I had a picnic and picked up some hazel nuts from the roadside on the way home.

A very cleaver friend of mine who was at the boot sale, took a fancy to one of my bags a few weeks ago so we have done a swap. This is a beautiful example of the handmade nappies she does. I'm going to provide her some flannelette to do another one. Baby G the red head, doesn't say many words but he said "warm" when I put this on him and that says it all really.

I couldn't resist a pic of this old whare, probaby an old tobacco workers accomadation or the like. I got very excited when I saw a for sale sign further down the fence line, but inquiry at "the old Thorpe Store" craft shop revealed it is part of a 8 hectare property with a villa on it further down the road. The price tag of around $695,000 a little out of my price range, like 5x more than I can afford. It's not that I don't love our spot either I just yearn to be in the country again.


  1. Such a great post, Gill. I didn't get around to the clean-out I had planned these holidays either, ah well, never mind. Holidays are for resting, and checking out new potential whares, after all! I love those nappies- and that Baby G said 'warm' when you put them on him. So sweet. I've tried making similar nappies but not had much success.
    Best of luck for the new term!
    m xx

  2. Hey Gill thanks for the mention! Glad you had a nice day, there are quite a few old buildings like that around here!

  3. Who cares about 'clean outs', when there are much better things to do?? As yor post demonstrates perfectly. I love that cute customized nappy (diaper). Wish they'd been around when mine were tinies. Lovely post as always. Love that building too (I'm dreaming craft store). Mary


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