The Yellow Hammers and Finches are visiting the garden again, I hope they're getting a few bugs and not just eating all the sunflower seeds. They are very efficient at getting the seeds out of the shells and leave a big pile of shell under the plant and sometimes on top of the flower too, they're very bold too and don't mind us getting up quite close to watch them. The Tui in the flax are very suspicious by contrast and you have to sneak up to see them. Fortunatly it's far too hot for our lazy cats to do any hunting so the birds are quite safe.
Other visitors this week were friends who run a catering company they were having trouble sourcing fresh currants in town, I was delighted to pick for them the last of my black currants and some purple basil to compliment them. It's very flattering to have a chef ask for goodies from the garden. Hope the event went great guys.
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